When you’re trying to obtain credit or find a new job, your credit report can have a tremendous impact. If you have a low credit rating or have sustained credit damage because of inaccurate information on your credit report, you may end up being denied credit, being forced to pay outrageous interest rates, and/or lose out on both credit opportunities and employment opportunities. It’s more important than ever to make sure that your credit report is accurate and you understand your rights, and we are here to help.
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) was passed to protect consumers from unfair credit practices and ensure that companies using credit reports comply with certain ethical standards. Under this law, you are entitled to:
If you have requested a correction to your credit report and have not received it, or you have been victimized by a credit reporting agency in any way, you may be entitled to damages. False information on your credit report can have disastrous consequences, and we take these violations seriously. At Martin & Bontrager, APC, we will go above and beyond to make sure your report is corrected, and you receive the compensation that you’re owed.
Want to know more about your rights under the FCRA? Reach out to our firm at 949-698-2865 for a free consultation today!
Under the Fair Credit and Reporting Act, we fight to have inaccuracies removed and the credit reporting agencies punished for their neglectful actions. You may be eligible for a settlement of $1,000 for each willful violation, plus damages and fees. Plus, you don’t have to worry about legal costs, since we only get paid when we win your case.
We offer a wide range of legal services, including family law, estate planning, and business law.
Law Offices of Alicia McElwaine-Leto is a litigation firm that fights aggressively on behalf of consumers whose rights have been violated by creditors, debt collectors, lenders and telemarketers. Our Southern California consumer law and debt collection attorneys have years of experience and a track record of success, standing up to these companies. Our team evaluates every case individually and works with the clients to act decisively and obtain desired results including compensation peace of mind.
If you have been victimized by aggressive debt collectors, unfair debt collection practices, phone calls at all hours, faulty information on your credit report, unwanted robocalls or spam text messages to your cell phone or other violations of the law, our Los Angeles consumer law and debt collection attorneys will fight for you.
At Law Offices of Alicia McElwaine-Leto, we believe in treating our clients with respect, compassion, and understanding. We understand that every client is unique and has different needs, and we work hard to tailor our approach accordingly.
Do you wonder how you can stop harassment from debt collectors? The law is on your side. If a debt collector or creditor has broken the law, you may be entitled to compensation — plus attorney fees and legal costs.
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